You Can’t Compete Without a Mobile Channel


As I work with businesses on their customer service strategy, it is clear to me that a mobile communication channel is critical to the future success of most businesses. I’m not referring to social media or one-way text platforms. A mobile communication channel is one that offers two-way, real-time interaction by connecting a robust customer care platform to customers who use mobile/text channel.

Today, many businesses just don’t make it easy for customers to contact them. Customers are frustrated with the effort required to access cumbersome communication channels businesses offer. 90% of customers are frustrated with being put on hold. 89% are frustrated that they have to repeat their issue to multiple people. 91% are frustrated that they have to contact a company multiple times for the same reason.

Millennials are an enormous force for change in how we do business and they expect a different interaction with businesses. They make up about half of the workforce and it is estimated that they will spend $200 billion annually by 2017 and $10 trillion over their lifetimes. They expect easy authentic interactions and prefer text over phone calls or emails.

Mobile is Conversational

A mobile channel enables businesses to have an easy, two-way dialogue with customers. They can engage with customers to learn about their preferences and to keep them informed of updates and changes. A mobile/text channel can help a company reduce customer service costs by 25%.

Mobile is Real-Time

Businesses can increase response rates and engagement with customers due to timeliness and relevance of the interaction. Mobile communication also provides more accurate customer feedback. And there’s an added benefit with 77% of consumers, aged 18-34, having a positive perception of a company that offers them a text channel.

Mobile is Comprehensive

A mobile channel is more than just numbers and ratings. When compared to surveys, it provides customer-driven interactions and richer more detailed feedback that is important to customers. Customers send feedback willingly resulting in richer data that businesses can use and they can include pictures and videos with their messages.

Mobile is not just a convenience for today’s busy customers. It’s a required strategy for more efficient communication and the channel of choice by modern customers. If you’re not offering this channel, your competition will.

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