Comment Cards Waste Resources


On a recent visit to my workout center, I noticed an issue I wanted to comment on. When I asked how I could get in touch with management, I was surprised to be directed to a far corner where comment cards and the dusty comment box were located. Why was my upscale workout center still using an antiquated method for obtaining customer feedback?

After asking for a pen, I completed the comment card, including my contact information. It took about 15 minutes of my time to find and complete the card. Then I waited to be contacted… I’m still waiting.

The situation made me think about comment cards. Why would a business still use them?

Comment cards are cumbersome for customers

Comment cards are hard to find, often tucked away in a secluded area. If and when customers find them, they have to search for a pen or pencil to complete the card. For many situations, there just isn’t enough space on the card to say all that needs to be said. When filling out contact information, customers are left wondering if they will now be subjected to a surge of marketing emails and unwanted phone calls.

These issues turn customers off from commenting directly to a business and turn them on to social media and review sites which offer easy, fast access.

Comment cards are difficult for businesses

Comment cards aren’t only problematic for customer use, they create more work for your business. Someone has to take comment card information and input it into your company’s tracking system if you’re going to analyze and use the information. Your human resources could be better utilized elsewhere. Plus, you’re spending money to print the cards!

And, when your customers communicate with you through social media, issues go public; instead of sharing issues with your company privately, damaging negative feedback is available for anyone to see.

A better solution is available!

Peoplocity provides a better way to get comments from your customers. Throw away those dusty comment cards and use a tool which is more effective all around. Peoplocity allows your business to capture customer feedback directly to the platform, which will identify trends, both positive and negative. It’s quick and easy for your customers to use, making them more likely to provide your company with valuable feedback.

Get rid of your comment cards and offer Peoplocity, a better alternative to an obsolete comment card system. Your customers will thank you!

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