Visibility Into Customer Service


Our client, a leader in the consumer products market, wanted more visibility into the customer experience at the end of the sales cycle, after the customer made a purchase. While they collected stats on volume of contacts, response time, time on hold and abandonment rate, they wanted more visibility into what prompted the customer to contact them and the processes for handling customers after they make a purchase. They felt that these insights would identify where they could make improvements throughout the sales cycle, improve post-purchase service and reduce expenses.



We customized our text communication platform with our client’s branding. They offered the text app to customers in twenty key accounts as a customer service channel. Instead of calling or emailing, customers could contact them through the app. Our client received an email notification when a message they received a message from a customer.

Customers texted inquiries, along with a photo, directly to the customer service team. The text messages were received and responded to in the business platform and were tagged according to the content or issue in the message. If customer service didn’t know the answer, the message could be forwarded, with one click, to the appropriate person in the organization. This reduced response time and increased accuracy of the responses.

Interactions provided valuable insights into common customer questions and issues as well as the processes for managing post-purchase inquiries. The platform provided real-time visibility as well as aggregated data from all customer interactions. Some problems could be addressed immediately, in real-time. Analytics on the aggregated data provided additional information to make long-term changes to improve customer service processes and reduce expenses.

It’s okay to have a problem with production or delivery. What’s NOT okay is to not respond quickly to customers experiencing those problems.
National Partner
VP, National Partner



in customer service expenses identified through message data in the platform


could be eliminated by proactive communication with customers 

Platform analytics showed common customer inquiries that could be handled proactively, eliminating the need for customers to contact the company.

Real-time visibility quickly identified a technical issue in a business system and enabled our client to fix the issue immediately.

Changes in the delivery process could be proactively communicated to customers, reducing inquiries to the service department.

Employees in multiple areas in the company were involved in responding to customer inquiries, leading to increased awareness of and responsibility for customer service.



Our client was able to identify the needs and unique characteristics of each account as well as get valuable insights into overall customer experience.