Proactive Communication Improves the Student Journey


Communicating with college students and their parents can be challenging. There is a lot of information to convey and a variety of ways the information can be delivered.

In an effort to save time, all the information a student or parent needs to know about an event, such as graduation or student orientation, is often packed into a single email or sent in a big information packet through the mail. The amount of information is overwhelming and is barely read. If it is, readers will typically get a few high-level points, missing many of the important details. As a result, students and parents call and email. They want to easily and quickly get the information they need, without having to look for it.

Imagine a different way of communicating. Think from the students’ or parents’ perspective. Students have grown up with technology where communication consists of short, concise messages. They not only like that type of communication, they have learned to process information delivered in small chunks.

Messaging is their preferred communication channel and one their parents have also learned to use. Messaging is considered less disruptive and is faster and more efficient for busy students and parents.

Now think about proactively communicating through messaging. The right information is delivered in small digestible chunks at just the right time. Proactive communication not only provides a better experience, it can save time and money.

What is Proactive Communication?

Proactive communication is based on the understanding of the student journey, knowing their needs throughout their journey and communicating with them rather than waiting for them to ask questions. There are two especially important points in the college student’s journey. The first occurs as they prepare to arrive on campus and the second occurs as they prepare to graduate. When you understand their journeys, it is easy to anticipate their needs.

The goal of proactive communication is to understand, anticipate and personalize interactions with students. The strategy can be used throughout the student journey through college and provides a higher level of student care and engagement.

Benefits of Proactive Communication

Shows that You Care

Proactive communication shows students that you know them and care about them. It shows that you understand their journey and what they need at different points in their journey. Students have a more favorable view and feel more engaged with universities that proactively communicate with them.

Builds trust

Proactive communication improves the quality of interactions and builds credibility through more personalized communication. Students recognize that you understand their needs. They appreciate the effort you put into taking care of those needs and they trust you more.

Improves productivity

Proactive communication saves time and resources for universities. Communicating with students before they experience problems or are aware of questions, reduces incoming phone calls and emails that have to be handled. It also eliminates the need to answer the same question over and over again.

Builds Student Loyalty

Proactive communication reduces frustrations and demonstrates your commitment to students. Sharing information, giving updates and keeping them in the loop throughout their journey earns their loyalty.

Messaging Platform for Proactive Communication

Peoplocity’s two-way messaging platform is an ideal solution for proactive communication throughout the student journey. The platform provides a personalized app for students and a cloud-based platform for universities. Universities can use the messaging platform to deliver information, updates, reminders, alerts and more directly to the app. Students can also easily ask questions and get help using the app.

The app keeps all communication in one easy place on their phone. Students don’t have to look for a website or search for an email to find information. And, they can easily refer to messages in their app for the information they need.

Be proactive in your communications with students and parents and you will see immediate results in how they perceive your university.

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