A Business Owner Who Doesn’t Care


We recently received feedback from one of our members about a local business that provides indoor activities for children. The feedback provided great insight into the member’s disappointing experience at the business. Staff members were disinterested and obviously didn’t want to be there. They talked within ear shot of guests of their desire to leave. The food choices were poor and staff struggled with simple things like getting a hot dog order prepared. Smiling at customers was clearly not in the job description.

A few days later, we received a follow up message from the same member about the same business after their child become ill. When our member told their doctor where they had been over the weekend, the doctor replied that they often get 4 or 5 calls on a Monday about sick kids and the common denominator is this particular business!

We had tried to deliver the initial message to the business owners and had not gotten a response. Obviously, given the concern about sanitary conditions, and the potential for children becoming sick, we felt it was important to immediately contact the business owner with the new comment. We were shocked when the business owner was NOT interested in replying to our member about the experience. We were offering to come to their location, and allow them to use our service at no charge. The business owner indicated that he is not at that location very often and doesn’t have the time to see and respond to the messages.

Clearly, this business owner doesn’t understand or care about the experience he is providing customers. Staff attitudes are a reflection of the owner’s attitude and the culture he has created.

We don’t expect to see that business last very long.While kids may have fun and enjoy their initial visit, their parents are NOT likely to bring them back. Bad service and questionable sanitation do not result in repeat business.

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