Make Customer Service Easy


Customers expect the businesses to offer easy customer service channels. They want questions answered and issues resolved easily at any point in their journey with a business. Too many customers become frustrated with cumbersome channels such as web forms, emails, and automated phone attendants; they’re difficult to find, hard to use on their mobile phone, and these methods take too much valuable time to utilize.

  • 91% of customers are frustrated when they must contact a company multiple times for one issue.
  • 89% of customers are frustrated by repeating their issue to multiple representatives.
  • 90% of customers are frustrated when put on hold for long periods.

So what is your business going to do to offer easy customer service and encourage customers to contact you? Here are some suggestions:

Give them more channels to choose from! Adding contact channels goes a long way toward reducing the friction customers feel when they contact you. Hone your channels and eliminate the repetitive steps your customers are forced to take – they don’t want to repeat themselves.

Encourage more contact with your customers! Every time a customer contacts you is an opportunity to build a relationship. Contact fosters customer loyalty and boosts customer retention – and just a 5% increase in customer retention can increase profitability by 75%.

Learn more about your customers’ experiences! Dedicate time and resources to uncover the wants and needs of your customers, as well as the problems they face when working with your business. This step will help your business continually improve, and continue to acquire more customers. About 9 out of 10 customers say they would willingly pay more to ensure a superior customer experience.

When you simplify contact channels and improve the overall customer experience, your business stands to retain existing customers, gain new ones, and boost revenue. If your customers feel contacting you is a hassle, they’re not going to – plain and simple. So if your phone isn’t ringing and the emails aren’t pouring in, it’s time to take a hard look at how your business is helping customers communicate with you.

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