Tag Archive: phone calls

Phone Calls vs Peoplocity: Which is better for your needs?

07/24/19 Comments Leave your thoughts

When you want to ask a friend or family member a question, how do you contact them? Most people’s preferred channel of communication looks something like this: Answering concerns as efficiently as possible is the goal for most customer service departments. Making sure you’re communicating on a channel comfortable for customers is equally important. When should you call vs message your customers? Read on to find out. If you’re interested in learning about where email should fall in your communication strategy, read this article. Quick Comparison (Peoplocity vs Phone Calls): Unique Phone Features Phone calls are free. Sort of… Unlimited minutes...

Why Don’t People Answer The Phone Anymore?

08/09/18 Comments Comments Off on Why Don’t People Answer The Phone Anymore?

Nowadays, when you call someone, you’re more likely to get their voicemail than a cheery voice saying “Hello.” Phone calls used to be the primary way of communicating with everyone from your best friend to your doctor. In recent years, they’ve become less and less common. Not only are people not talking on the phone, they’re not answering calls at all. Here are some of the reasons why. Disruptive and Time Consuming A phone call interrupts what you are doing, and whether you’re at work or at home, it’s distracting. A call can also be time consuming. You don’t know...